

One of the first things that people usually notice about me - or at least the first thing that they comment on - is that I have a lot of hair. And when I say a lot, I really do mean A LOT.* I have thick, long, wavy hair that is highly resistant to any type of styling. I can't do most cute ponytails or updos (they just fall out) and straightening my hair is a multi-hour battle to the death.

So, naturally, I resort to the big-haired girl's life-saver: the braid. I probably find a way to incorporate some sort of braid or twist into my hairstyle at least three or four times a week, if not every day. Not surprisingly, I even have braids in my hair today. (Side note: If you're looking for a good braid tutorial, this post by Hair and Makeup by Steph has a handy breakdown of the popular braids right now and how to create them.)

After seeing The Hunger Games last week (and yes, I read the books first), I decided to try my hand at a Katniss-inspired braid to keep my hair out of the way while I was horseback riding - because who wouldn't want to emulate a strong, independent female heroine?

Anyways, here's how it turned out! Apologies for the sub-par photos. One day I'll invest in a decent camera, but for now I at least get to play around with the Pic Stitch iPhone app.

Don't judge my (lack of) makeup here - I was going horseback riding, not to a beauty pageant.

I think it turned out pretty well, considering the amount of finagling I had to do to get the braid around the back of my head without any help. Dylan and Charlie (the dog) were the only ones around that day, and I don't think either of them are very apt at braiding. I think I need to befriend a neighbor... preferably one who also happens to be a hair stylist.

*If you're a grammar stickler like me, you'll get a laugh out of Hyperbole and a Half's post about the misspelling of "alot."

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